Our Blog

The Health Benefits of Having Your Teeth Straightened

The Health Benefits of Having Your Teeth Straightened

Crooked or misaligned teeth are common complaints, which can affect your confidence and stop you from smiling in social situations for fear of showing off...

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Holidaying at Home This Year? Treat Yourself to an Opatra Facial Treatment

Holidaying at Home This Year? Treat Yourself to an Opatra Facial Treatment

With foreign holidays still presenting challenges to UK holidaymakers, many will be taking the decision to staycation, or take time off and enjoy their local...

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3 Ways To Make Teeth Whiter

3 Ways To Make Teeth Whiter

If you’ve always dreamt about whiter teeth, then you may have been tempted to buy a whitening kit online, but with all the bad press...

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Why More Adults are Seeking Orthodontics to Straighten Teeth

Why More Adults are Seeking Orthodontics to Straighten Teeth

Lockdown has been a time of reflection it seems, particularly when it comes to our smiles. The British Orthodontic Society recently revealed that over three...

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Are You A Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are You A Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, it can affect the way you eat and speak, which can make you feel self conscious or...

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Has Lockdown Aged You? Try These Facial Treatments

Has Lockdown Aged You? Try These Facial Treatments

When the UK first went into lockdown last year, it was a time for many people to wind down from the stresses of school runs,...

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Come To Our Open Day for Unmissable Invisalign Offers

Come To Our Open Day for Unmissable Invisalign Offers

If you’ve been thinking about having your teeth straightened for a while but have been put off by the cost, we’ve got a great deal...

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Showcase Your Teeth this National Smile Month

Showcase Your Teeth this National Smile Month

National Smile Month, which takes place this year from 17th May to 17th June, is the perfect excuse to showcase your teeth and the great...

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How Often Should You Clean Or Replace Your Toothbrush?

How Often Should You Clean Or Replace Your Toothbrush?

Your toothbrush might not have had an outing for a while, but when was the last time you replaced it? Whether you use a manual...

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Get Summer Ready Thanks to Dental Implants

Get Summer Ready Thanks to Dental Implants

During lockdown, despite appearing in video calls, it has been easier to hide any imperfections in your mouth, due to the lack of social contact....

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Is Your Dental Check Up Overdue?

Is Your Dental Check Up Overdue?

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and tough guidelines against unnecessary journeys during periods of lockdown, you may be forgiven for getting a little behind on...

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Do You Have a Dental Emergency?

Do You Have a Dental Emergency?

Dental pain can be very distressing, not least because you are often worried about what is causing the discomfort.  Whether it is your teeth, gums,...

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