How Long Do Dental Implants Last & Can They Be Painful?

How Long Do Dental Implants Last & Can They Be Painful?

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth and they also provide a more permanent alternative to dentures. There are several different types of implant treatment available depending on the dental issues you are experiencing, your budget and also the results you want to achieve. For the purpose of this blog we’ll be concentrating on the dental implants we offer here at Riverside Dental Spa - single implants, implant retained dentures and the revolutionary single day treatment - All-On-4 dental implants.

Let’s look at some of the most popular questions we get asked:

How long do dental implants last?

Compared to removable dentures, dental implants offer a long lasting solution to replacing missing teeth. If you look after your implants, in the same way you do your natural teeth then there is no reason why they won’t last a lifetime! Obviously you would expect some wear and tear over time, but your new teeth can be easily repaired or replaced if necessary.

The success rate of dental implants is as high as 98% and provided you look after them and continue to adhere to a good oral health routine and avoid smoking your implant treatment should be successful.

Are dental implants painful?

Dental implant procedures are generally pain free. There may be some discomfort, particularly with traditional implants as these are a more invasive procedure. Instead you could ask about All on 4 ‘Same Day Teeth’, as this treatment secures a new set of teeth onto a fixed bridget instead, thus avoiding bone grafts and giving you the functionality of new teeth within one day.

What dental implant aftercare do I need to follow?

Dental implants have been designed to mimic the natural tooth, so following successful treatment you should be able to return to eating and speaking as you would have done before tooth loss occurred. However, depending on the type of implant treatment you have, there may be some steps you need to follow for the first few days following treatment to help your mouth heal. Your dentist will advise you on this, but the guidance may include:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water for a few days to help the healing process
  • Expect a little minor swelling for a few days
  • Avoid foods or drinks that are too hot in the first few days following treatment
  • Try to stick to a liquid diet for the first 24-48 hours
  • Use over the counter pain relief to ease any discomfort

A little discomfort is to be expected particularly after traditional implant treatment, however if you experience more severe pain or it lasts for longer than a few days please do contact us for advice.

Find Out Whether You are Suitable For Dental Implants

We offer free consultations with our treatment coordinator where you can discuss dental implant treatments in more detail and find out whether they are the right treatment for you.  Please click here to find out more about implant treatments at Riverside Dental Spa or to make an enquiry.

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