Spread your Routine Dental Costs with our Dental Care Plan

Spread your Routine Dental Costs with our Dental Care Plan

Good oral health is something we seek to promote, at all costs, but we also understand that paying for your dental checks every six months or so can sometimes be difficult.  That’s why we can help you spread the costs of your routine dental care and budget for your oral health in the same way you would any other household bill.

Our Dental Care Plan is available to Riverside patients as a regular monthly payment.  This covers the costs of your routine appointments as well as x-rays and hygienist appointments, as outlined in your plan cover.

The primary advantage of our Dental Care Plan is that it enables you to budget for your routine oral health, helping you to look after your teeth and gums.  Plan holders will also benefit from worldwide dental accident, emergency and out-of-hours insurance cover, as well as discounts on additional treatments.

To find out more about our dental plan please click here, call our practice on 020 7091 0677 or ask at your next appointment.

As well as helping you to spread the costs of dental checks, our plan will also encourage you to visit your dentist and hygienist regularly, to make sure you are getting the most out of your monthly payments. 

Benefits of regular visits to the dentist

  • Your teeth, gums and mouth will be assessed on a regular basis
  • You’ll have regular screening for oral cancer
  • You’ll be less likely to need fillings and extractions
  • You can raise any concerns about pain or sensitivity in your mouth

Benefits of regular hygienist appointments:

  • You’ll have healthy gums and teeth
  • Your teeth will look and feel clean
  • You can avoid or treat bad breath
  • You can prevent future oral health problems

To book in for your next routine check-up or to find out more about our Dental Care Plan please call the Riverside team on 020 7091 0677 or email us with your enquiry.

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