Dentist Approved Christmas Gift Guide 2018

Dentist Approved Christmas Gift Guide 2018

2018 seems to be the year where many Christmas shoppers are opting for the ‘less is more’ approach. By this, we mean that many people are deciding to not buy Christmas presents for the sake of buying them and are instead looking for fewer presents which are a lot more meaningful.

With this approach, it is always a good idea to include a few practical gifts. Practical gifts that the recipient can make use of every day can turn out to be a lot more thoughtful than other gift choices.

Therefore, give the gift of excellent oral health this year, with our dentist approved Christmas gift guide:

Electric Toothbrush

Almost any dentist would recommend an electric toothbrush over a manual one, with research suggesting that they are 25% more effective at removing plaque and bacteria. Further research has also found that an electric toothbrush is more likely to entice a user to brush their teeth for longer, compared to a traditional toothbrush.

With brushing being more effective, it makes electric toothbrushes one of the top tools for fighting against tooth decay and gum disease, which are caused by dental plaque and bacteria.

Christmas also gives you the chance to upgrade your recipient’s current electric toothbrush, if you are looking to gift something a little bit more luxurious but still very practical.

Teeth Whitening Kit

Our Teeth Whitening and Hygiene combo package will provide a brighter, more confident smile. Give someone close to you a pre-Christmas treat, ready for a month of office parties, family gatherings and New Year celebrations.

We are offering a free whitening consultation with one of our dentistry professionals. During your appointment they will assess how suitable you are for the home whitening treatment. Not forgetting photographing and shade taking too.

And for a limited time only, our special offers include:

  • All same day - £550 includes trays and home kit (normally £665)
  • Treatment without home kit - £450 (normally £515)

Travel Dental Kit

For anyone who is constantly on the go, create a convenient travel dental kit which they can take on all their travels. In a wash bag, place travel sized oral hygiene essentials. This might include toothpaste, floss, mouthwash and breath spray for fresh teeth and gums on the go.

Donate a Care Package

When you’re buying for someone in need, whether it’s a charity donation or just a small care package for a family member needing a little help, this is ideal. In a hamper basket or larger toiletry bag include a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash. It is entirely up to you whether you include more than a month’s supply.

Then pair with some smaller treats to compliment your oral hygiene kit. For example, deodorant, Christmas themed snacks, cosy socks, a toy or a festive DVD. Think of the small things that those in need may really appreciate this holiday.

Booking Your Appointment

For a picture perfect smile ready for another Christmas album or to find out our opening times over the holidays, call us on 0800 0154 222 today!

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