Don’t Ignore Your Child’s Oral Health: Book in to See Our Child Friendly Dentist

Don’t Ignore Your Child’s Oral Health: Book in to See Our Child Friendly Dentist

It’s no secret that children’s oral health is high on the healthcare agenda. The oral health survey of 5-year olds in 2019 revealed that almost a quarter had tooth decay, a statistic which was further worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that many children missed dental appointments. As dentists, we are always striving to promote great oral health from the earliest possible age and as tooth decay is mostly preventable, finding a child friendly dentist for you and your family could ensure you don’t become part of this worrying trend.

Almost 90% of tooth extractions in under 10’s are caused by dental decay which is entirely preventable through good oral health and a sensible diet. So, if you want to save your child the worry of a hospital procedure and give them an oral health routine that will take them into adulthood, read on to find out more about our approach to children’s dentistry and how our team can help look after your family’s oral health.

Bring your child to your appointment

It is never too early for a visit to the dentist, so we actively encourage our patients to bring young children along to their appointments, even if they don’t really have their first teeth yet.  Getting your child used to the sounds, smells and sights of the dental practice will help to alleviate any fears they might have when they have their own appointments.

Book your child’s first dental appointment

It is recommended that you book your child’s first dental appointment within 6 months of their first teeth erupting, or by the time they reach their first birthday. Our children's dentists will take an informal approach to these first few visits, helping your child to feel comfortable and relaxed in the practice environment and sharing helpful tips with parents and guardians such as:

  • Which size and shape of toothbrush to use
  • How to hold a toothbrush and how to supervise brushing for young children
  • Recommended toothpaste
  • Dietary advice to help children avoid tooth decay

Preventative children’s dentistry

Our aim is to help your child develop good brushing habits for life to avoid fillings and extractions not only now but into adulthood.  This means we’ll take a preventative approach, helping you and your child to understand the best ways to brush, how often to brush and to talk about the foods that can help support a healthy mouth.

Half price check ups and treatments

As we are dedicated to the oral health of young people we offer all of our children’s check ups and treatments for half the price you would pay for an adult, making good oral healthcare affordable for your family.

If you are looking for a child friendly dentist in Vauxhall, contact Riverside Dental Spa on 020 7091 0677 or click here to find out more about children’s dentistry at our practice.


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