5 Ways to Improve your Smile This Year

5 Ways to Improve your Smile This Year

‘A New Year, A New You’ is often the phrase that comes to mind as we embark on the beginning of each year. And if you’re thinking about striving to become a better you in the year ahead, what would you change? What is the one thing you’d like to achieve most?

For those of us who make resolutions, it might be to progress in our careers, to spend more time with the family, or to improve our confidence and self-belief. However a Guardian survey found the following resolutions to be most popular among Brits:

  • To lose weight
  • To get fitter
  • To eat more healthily
  • To take more care of their appearance

The recurring theme here of looking after your body also provides people with more confidence and helps them to achieve other goals, like advancing their career or enjoying a new hobby. However 63% of adults surveyed failed to fulfil their resolution. Why this failure? Mostly these resolutions are too vague, and they may not have been able to be achieved by the set deadline. Goals need to be specific and achievable, which is why setting your sights on improving your smile is a good place to start if you want to take better care of your appearance and the benefits that come with it.

Cosmetic dentistry for a healthier, happier smile

Whether you’re looking to enhance the aesthetics of your teeth and gums or you want to improve the conditions of your teeth there are many ways we can help you achieve the specific results you want.

Get straighter teeth 

If you’ve always dreamed of having a perfectly straight smile we have advanced treatments which can help you achieve it faster and more discreetly. Choose from our flexible range of efficient invisible braces for adults: 

If you only have a few tweaks to make and would prefer a faster option, then dental veneers can help to create a more even and more attractive appearance. Veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells which can be layered over the surfaces of a tooth. Find out more about dental veneers here.

Let your smile shine in the New Year

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective method of lightening your teeth by a few shades and helping to create a more youthful, glowing appearance. We offer both Take Home teeth whitening and professional in-practice Enlighten teeth whitening, so you can choose the most convenient option for you. Teeth whitening treatments are becoming increasingly popular, as they’re a quick way to restore the teeth and let them sparkle.

Veneers can also be used to conceal discoloured teeth and provide a longer lasting, natural looking way of transforming the appearance of your smile. 

We also offer the choice of white fillings - an affordable and simple way to correct a number of dental flaws like tooth decay or chips and cracks, as well as discolouration.

Replace missing teeth 

If you feel that your missing teeth are holding you back, and you want to feel more confident about your smile, then dental implants are a natural looking, long-term solution. We offer a number of reliable options including single implants, implant retained dentures and All-On-4 ‘Same Day Teeth’.

Yes, with our safe expert system, you could leave with a new smile in just a day

So if this sounds like an achievable resolution for the New Year, why not book an appointment and see what would work for you? We’d love to help you - please call us on 020 7091 0677 to make a start on your resolutions today! 

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